
The Tailgate

Materials For You to Share With Your Team.

Tips for De-Stressing State Stormwater Inspection – Part 3

Responding to the written report:
  1. Designate a single point of contact to coordinate your response. Summit will be glad to do the legwork for you, but you have one person assigned to be the owner’s’ representative..
  2. Begin addressing items right away. While you have 14 days to offer your written response, treat the report like a third party inspection report and complete items as soon as possible.
  3. Organize and document your responses. The inspection report will likely include a numbered list of findings, your response should follow that pattern.
  4. Example: For finding #1, damaged wattle at SE corner; The wattle was replaced with new material per specification, see attached photos number 1a, 1b, and 1c.
  5. Some of your responses will be hard to photo document. That’s OK. Your response might be that a BMP detail was updated, or a report signed off. Just provide a date and the name of the person who completed the item.
  6. Don’t introduce new questions if possible. Simply respond to the findings, line by line.
  7. Absolutely, positively respond by the deadline, ensuring the response gets to the correct party, per the instructions in the state document.
  8. Keep copies of everything you submit.

We hope you have enjoyed this series of tips from the experts at DTEC.  We’ve compiled all three parts of this series into a single document for you to reference.  You can download it by clicking on the button below.
